FuturHist Advances: Successful Launch Event and Demo Case Insights in Spain

It was an intensive yet inspiring meeting in Sevilla and Córdoba just before the summer started, 18-20 June 2024. During the second project meeting, we discussed many topics related to the project’s tasks and activities. We also visited our first demo case on the Plaza de la Corredera in Córdoba. The meeting host was a FuturHist consortium member – Agencia de la Vivienda y Rehabilitación de Andalucía (AVRA) the public body managing the housing stock in Andalusia.

Project meeting to start discussing the best solutions for our demo cases

The consortium gathered in Spain mainly for a yearly project meeting to follow up on the activities, discuss the progress of work, and visit our demo case in Córdoba. With input from work packages and task leaders, we had in-depth discussions and workshops on the project’s upcoming tasks.

The visit to the Plaza de la Corredera was important to familiarise the project team with the first demo case. We took a tour to visit the surroundings of the Plaza, an important heritage site in Córdoba, as well as the apartments and patios located at Plaza de La Corredera, no. 16 and 17.

We plan to test several solutions at nine apartments managed by AVRA. A study visit to this demo case helped us decide on the initial list of solutions: lime internal insulation, window repairs, and a special heating and ventilation system. We will research the potential of these solutions. The same will be true for the rest of our demo cases, which were also discussed during our meeting. The outcome of the discussion is promising, letting us test various solutions in different building typologies.

It was our second project meeting after the kick-off in Bolzano, and we also took the time to socialise, sharing our experiences and expectations of participating in the project during the networking parts of the meeting.

Presenting FuturHist to Andalusian stakeholders

AVRA successfully organised the FuturHist launching event, a significant contribution to widespread the project’s objectives. Held on June 19th at Santa María de los Reyes convent in Seville, it marked a crucial step in introducing FuturHist to the Andalusian stakeholders.

Numerous representatives of organisations and companies related to the innovation and the construction sector were present at the site. It was successful; the event was attended by nearly 60 attendees with significant post-event publicity. FuturHist was presented by Rocío Díaz, the Regional Minister for Development, Territorial Planning and Housing; Susana Cayuelas Porras, Director General of AVRA; and Daniel Herrera, Research Group Leader at Eurac Research and the FuturHist coordinator.

Both Rocío Díaz and Susana Cayuelas underlined the project’s impact on promoting a clean energy transition for historic buildings, improving the design of sustainable homes, reducing energy consumption, and providing comfort and environmental quality to the public housing stock in Andalusia.

Along with FuturHist, another project, ZEBAI – Innovative methodologies to design Zero-Emission and cost-effective Buildings enhanced by Artificial Intelligence – was presented. It also has its demo case in Andalusia.

Media coverage of the event:




La Junta de Andalucía incorporará la inteligencia artificial en el desarrollo de su parque público de viviendas
